Превод текста

Sido - Jedes Geheimnis Превод текста

Сваку тајну

Click to see the original lyrics (German)
Кад ујутру пре посла читаш новине
Зашто ли не читаш наглас, кад ништа не чујеш
Кад се играм па прстима показујем пиштољ
Као да на некога пуцам, што те то љути
Реци ми, спавају ли краве стојећи?
И ако би окренули небо, јел би били изнад кише?
Зашто ли месец не падне на нас
И када ће мртви да се врате у живот?
Питање по питање, вече по вече
Некад знам одговор, некад морам да погађам
Колико ожиљака имају пирати?
Рећи ћу ти, али после тога на спавање
Свако вече, са хиљаду питања ми прилазиш
Желиш знати како ће то једног дана бити
Али све што знам, сваку тајну ћу ти открити
И остаћу овде све док не заспиш
Кад ме неко пита колко имам година, увек кажем 'Пет!“
Али откуд ми уопште тај број у глави
Кад се непто лоше деси, и кад о томе размишљам
Зашто је утикач тако мали ???
Ал реци ми сад, када је ово ускоро
И зашто кад изађеш на терасу крене да се дими?
Зашто постоје рат и мир?
Како је то заљубити се, и како да научим да летим?
Питање по питање, вече по вече
Некад знам одговор, некад морам да погађам
Зашто су ми прсти после купања наборани
Рећи ћу ти, али после тога на спавање
Свако вече, са хиљаду питања ми прилазиш
Желиш знати како ће то једног дана бити
Али све што знам, сваку тајну ћу ти открити
И остаћу овде све док не заспиш
Имаш још толико питања, питања
Која ти горе у души
Зато не желиш да спаваш, спаваш
Боље још причај, јер
Имаш још толико питања, питања
Веруј ми све што знам
Ћу ти открити и рећи
Све остало ће ти објаснити време
Свако вече, са хиљаду питања ми прилазиш
Желиш знати како ће то једног дана бити
Али све што знам, сваку тајну ћу ти открити
И остаћу овде све док не заспиш
Све док не заспиш
Све док не заспиш

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: Sido

Сви текстови песама на овој веб локацији су само за личну и образовну употребу.

Сви текстови песама су власништво и ауторска права њихових власника или власника.

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Go, You're Free

This name of mine,
say it no more, please.
That name of yours,
I've already erased it from my heart.

And go, you are free,
go but remember
that, like me, one day
you will suffer this way.

But this name of mine
will return again to your lips
and your heart
surely will seek me out.

But no, don't fool yourself
that I can wait for you
and if you leave me,
no, don't return.

And go, you are free,
and go but remember
that it will be your fault
if you regret me.


But no, don't fool yourself
that I can wait for you
and if you leave me,
no, no, don't return.

And go, you are free,
and go but remember
that it will be your fault
if you regret me.

And go, you are free,
and go, you are free,
and go, you are free,
and go, you are free.


Speak to Him

You're a friend and I know it,
I trust you and therefore
if I ask you a favor,
you shouldn't say no,
you mustn't say no to me.

Then speak to him,
you who know everything about me.
Tell him that yesterday
I went out with you.

Speak to him,
you know what I did.
Please tell him
that I never lied to him.

Yes, I know you're sorry,
but it's your fault that he
this evening
didn't show up with me
and you already understood why.

And so speak to him,
make peace between us
and don't tell me,
don't tell me that you can't.

Oh, speak to him,
you know what I did.
Please tell him
that I never lied to him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, speak to him,
you who know everything about me.
Tell him that yesterday
I went out with you.

Speak to him,
you know what I did.
Please tell him
that I never lied to him!


Tonight You'll Hear a Song

Tonight you'll hear a song,
a song you already know.
The woman you no longer love will sing it,
the woman who will leave you but who won't cry.

A song that will tell you about me,
that will stay with you throughout your life,
a song be will leave a mark in your heart
that will never be erased.

Tonight I'll relive for the last time
these moments that I'll no longer find
but when I disappear and only you are found,
you'll cry because you'll remember.

A song that will tell you about me,
that will be with you throughout your life,
a song that will leave a mark in your heart
that will never be erased.

A song that will tell you about me,
that will be with you throughout your life,
a song that will leave a mark in your heart
that will never be erased.


A Reflection in the Water

It was
a moonlit evening,
under the bridge the river slept
and a woman sang.

the water slipped away
and the image of your smile
the river mirrored.

A reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
the current passed
but nothing remained,
but I inside my mind
still see you.

It was
a moonlit evening,
your voice spoke
and the river silently listened.

And it was,
almost a year has passed
but every evening I return to look
into the river to dream.

A reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
the current passed
but nothing has changed,
the water slowly stops,
I still see you.

A reflection in the water,
a reflection in the water,
the current passed
but nothing has changed,
the water slowly stops,
I still see you.